April, 2019
Dear Dr. Mesen,
Hope you are doing well. Your traveling looks exciting on FB and I am happy to watch you living the good life. It has been just about a year since having the stem cell transplant and I wanted to update you.
It was an extremely painful year which I dealt with severe inflammation and arthritis, the worst it has ever been. I still had to continue with steroid treatment, going on and off of them until about August of last year. Then suddenly something started happening, I believe due to the PRP treatments we did, CBD oil, and the stem cell transplant finally taking it’s full effect.
I am so happy to say that my platelets have been steady at 50,000 without any medication since September of 2018. I have since had a tummy tuck and did so with flying colors not one problem with the platelets.
You saved my life and gave hope to so many others with this ITP disease, thank you. I have no words that I can say to express how thankful I am for your research and help. The day Alejandro mentioned your name is the luckiest day of my life.
I am sure I will see you again but wanted to let you know that what you do is so important and it works! If every I can do anything for you please let me know. Thank you so much and have a great weekend!
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