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COVID-19 and Stem Cells

Stem Cells for COVID-19: Potential Benefits

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has spread like fire across the globe in less than a year – affecting more than 90 million people and causing 2 million+ deaths. The rapid spread of the disease and explosive death rate sped off groundwork on the treatment of the viral infection. However, the virus

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Stem Cells for COVID-19: Potential Benefits

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has spread like fire across the globe in less than a year – affecting more than 90 million people and causing 2 million+ deaths. The rapid spread of the disease and explosive death rate sped off groundwork on the treatment of the viral infection. However, the virus

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Autism During Coronavirus Pandemic

Autism During Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has affected day to day activities for most individuals around the world and completely overturned the life of autistic people and their families. Pandemics are the same as other disasters in their fatalities, unpredictability, and persistent effects. Yet, they are different from disasters as they prevent people

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Donald Trump Stem Cells

Trump Received Antibodies Originally Derived From Abortion Tissue

A few weeks before, President Donald Trump received anti-coronavirus antibodies developed using a cell line derived from abortion tissue. He later praised this cutting-edge therapy as “a miracle coming down from God.” In the past, the Trump administration has looked to curtail medical research using fetal tissue from abortions. In

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Stem Cells and the Coronavirus

The Coronavirus still has no cure or vaccine in sight. Some people have resorted to untested medical treatments, like combining different respiratory medications. Others have turned to homeopathic remedies. Many people have wondered about the effectiveness of stem cells on coronavirus. To date, the science is murky. The Immunology of

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