>> Testimonios



Daniel K

Articulaciones y dolor de espalda

Ed Podolak


Louise Sexton

Enfermedades degenerativas

Shamgar Connors

Insuficiencia renal en estadio IV

Mohamed Haneef

Quemadura de tercer grado

Jerry Smith


Ana Beckett

Daño cerebral traumático

Leah Herrick

Enfermedad de Crohn

Marta Jiménez


Elroy Reddemann


Anthony Paullete

Accidente de tráfico

Gayle Ottley


Brodee Murrish

Lesión medular

Warner Rojas


Carol Paysinger Riley Testimonial - Stem Cells

Carol Paysinger Riley

Testimono Carol Paysinger Riley Osteomielitis Ago, 2020 Estimado Dr. Mesen, Ha pasado poco más de un año desde mi trasplante de células madre y ya

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David Alfaro

Testimonio David Alfaro Condición degenerativa del hígado Diciembre, 2017 He estado pensando en la mejor manera de transmitirles mi mensaje sobre mi viaje. La forma

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David Brooker

Testimonial David Brooker Pain Management October, 2017 Dear Dr. Leslie Mesen, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your Team for

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Alain Lessard

Testimonial Alain Lessard Cervical stenosis July, 2017 Today, I feel very satisfied and motivated because for a long time I had to deal with severe

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Anthony Cicalese

Testimonial Anthony Cicalese Leg bone injury July, 2017 Last year I suffered a gunshot wound from a hollow point 9mm bullet that shattered my left

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Jose Correa

Testimonial Jose Correa Car Accident February, 2018 The testimony of Jose our patient! He shares with us all the improvements he obtained thanks to the

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Donald Siclari

Testimonial Donald Siclari Osteoarthritis August, 2018 As an expedition medic in my 30s, I rely on my ability to walk on uneven terrain in remote

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Douglas Behrman

Testimonial Douglas Behrman Shoulder Pain November, 2017 Dr. Mesen: Thanks so much for your patience and concern in working with me to improve my shoulder

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Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Denise Lafrance

Testimonial Denise Lafrance Alzheimer’s disease September, 2018 Dear Stem Cell Transplant Team: I would like to take this time to thank everyone who was involved

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Carol Paradise

Testimonial Carol Paradise TMJ April, 2019 I would like to share my story undergoing Stem Cell treatment. First I should explain my medical Conditions. Last

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Gina Briguglio

Testimonial Gina Briguglio Arthritis April, 2019 Dear Dr. Mesen, Hope you are doing well. Your traveling looks exciting on FB and I am happy to

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