Regenerate. Repair. Restore.

Stem Cells Therapy for Proximal Neuropathy

Proximal neuropathy involves damage or dysfunction of nerves to your hip, buttock or thigh.

Treatments at the Stem Cells Transplant Institute could help improve the symptoms of proximal neuropathy including:

  • Pain in your hip, thigh, or buttocks that appears suddenly
  • Loss of reflexes in your leg, such as the knee-jerk reflex
  • Weakness in the leg or legs making it difficult to stand
  • Loss of muscle tissue
  • Unexplained weight loss

What is diabetic proximal neuropathy?

High blood sugar and fat levels in the blood can damage the small blood vessels that nourish the nerves over time, resulting in nerve damage.

Diabetic proximal neuropathy, also known as femoral neuropathy, diabetic amyotrophy, lumbosacral radiculoplexus, or diabetic neuropathic cachexia, is a rare and disabling condition characterized by severe and sometimes disabling pain in the hip, buttock, or thigh.

It usually affects one side of the body at first, but overtime, the symptoms will worsen and affect both sides of the body.

Proximal neuropathy: what do we know about it?

Diabetic proximal neuropathy is one of the most unusual forms of neuropathy. Frequently, the onset is so abrupt that the patient knows the exact date when the symptoms started.

Initially, only one side of the body gets affected, but over time, both legs get affected, and the pain might be intense, deep, or burning.

Patients will initially have weak thigh muscles and no knee reflexes, but their ankles will still have reflexes. In the later stages, the lower limbs are also affected, and patients experience extensive weakness and loss of reflexes in their ankles as well.

What are the challenges?

Most patients with proximal neuropathy will recover within a few years, but they will have residual weakness.

Physicians underestimate the pain and suffering caused by the illness since patients normally improve over time, often without treatment.

Most patients will at some point be confined to a wheelchair and unable to work before the symptoms resolve.

Because the symptoms of proximal neuropathy are similar to those of other, more common illnesses, misdiagnosis is widespread.

How can stem cell therapy improve the symptoms of proximal neuropathy?

Mesenchymal stem cells produce;

  • proteins that support the growth and survival of neurons
  • angiogenic factors that are essential for the healing, growth, development, and maintenance of blood vessels
  • immunomodulatory substances that can reverse the damage to the nerves
umbilical cord donations
Intravenus Administration

How Are the Stem Cells Collected?

Our clinic focuses on obtaining healthy stem cells exclusively from umbilical cord blood donors. We collect the placenta once the baby is born, with the parent’s informed consent. Additionally, we follow strict ethical guidelines and collect stem cells from reliable and reputable sources.

How Are the Stem Cells Administered?

Our nursing staff administers the stem cells through an intravenous and intra-pulmonary route. For the most effective outcomes, intravenous administration is preferred.

About the Stem Cells Transplant Institute

Our clinic is located in Costa Rica, which is one of the most popular medical tourism destinations for stem cell therapy. At the Stem Cells Transplant Institute, we have a skilled team of doctors and medical professionals who collect and administer stem cells to treat autism and other conditions. Every patient receives the most cost-effective and top-notch care from our dedicated team.

Scientific References:

  1. Cell Death Discovery (2016) 2, e16055; doi:10.1038/cddiscovery.2016.55; published online 11 July 2016 Mesenchymal stem cells to treat diabetic neuropathy: a long and strenuous way from bench to the clinic JY Zhou
  2. Han, JW et al., Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improve Diabetic Neuropathy by Direct Modulation of Both Angiogenesis and Myelination in Peripheral Nerves. Cell transplant.2016;25(2):313-26. doi: 10.3727/096368915X688209. Epub 2015 May 13