I would like to share my story undergoing Stem Cell treatment. First I should explain my medical Conditions. Last 11 years I had a large knot on the trapezius muscle causing pain, migraine headache 3 to 5 times a week. Also intense neck and shoulder pain. TMJ headaches due to missing condyle on one side of my jaw. To add I had a no tremor/cervical dystonia.
I was in search of Stem Cell therapy because I had a friend with dystonia that became 95% symptom-free with Stem Cell therapy.
Finding Dr. Carvajal and Stem Cell Institute in Costa Rica was a Miracle Cure. When I arrived there, I was in so much pain that I could barely sit for a half hour because my head felt too heavy triggering much pain level 7 to 9 pain.
In September I went for Stem Cell Therapy. After being one month on an anti-inflammatory diet. Results first 2 weeks I still in pain. Although I looked much better my eyes and face looked Younger. After one month some ozone therapy was used. For me, ozone therapy activated the Stem Cell therapy. My 4-inch knot on the trapezius dissolved.
Each month after I have noticed less pain. In fact I have only had 1 migraine in 6 months. I strongly encourage anyone that has anything similar to me to try it. The Stem Cell Institute has a very caring and amazing staff. They are determined to help you become pain-free. They have various therapies enhancing the Stem Cell therapy.
I really believe that The Stem Cell Institute has God’s Gift to me. Their very knowledgeable can give you a better quality of life. Before I was on various pain killers. Now after 6 months had only one migraine triggered by TMJ. Other than that I have not taken any other pain medication. I am so grateful for all that they have done for me.
Truthfully and with much appreciation.
yours Truly
Carol Paradise