Therapies That Can Help Treat Autism


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), more commonly referred to as Autism, is as complex as it is prevalent today.

Autism generally manifests itself in form of a lack of social interactions, an inability to process information effectively, and ultimately, a difficulty to integrate into society.

While inherent, autism is affected by the external environment too. With a variety of causes, one must think there must be a variety of treatment options available too.

To think that wouldn’t be wrong!

Our blog covers 3 therapies and treatments that can help with Autism and minimizing the adverse effects it can have on people suffering from ASD.

1) Behavioural Management Therapy

Early diagnosis and proactive approach to cope with Autism is tremendously effective. Behavioral management therapy seeks to reinforce desirable behaviors and limit the occurrence of repetitive behaviors that are common in children with Autism.

Behavioral management therapy encompasses a wide variety of approaches that include:

  • Discrete Trial Teaching: DTT teaches social skills in a controlled and easy step-by-step way.
  • Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention: EIBI requires individual care towards a single child who has ASD and they are rendered individualized training over longer periods of time

Such therapies require time, dedication, and a commitment.

Most importantly, they address the symptoms of Autism, and not exactly cure it or medicate the root cause of the condition.

2) Nutritional Therapy

Nutrition plays a far greater role for children with Autism than for other growing children. Certain foods trigger an undesirable response in children, such as discomfort or aches. While most children overcome such hiccups, autistic children associate it with long-term discomfort and begin to avoid most foods.

Consequently, their mental and physical health deteriorate.

To prevent such discomforts from arising children, even adults, with autism are restricted from certain food while ensuring they are given appropriate supplements to encourage healthy growth of the mind, body, and soul.

3) Stem Cell Therapy

Despite the existing treatments, stem cell therapy has perhaps shown the most promising results for the treatment of Autism.

Understanding Stem Cell Therapy

Human cells lose their ability to generate certain new cells. While old cells continue making copies of themselves, new ones are rarely made.

Stem cells are taken from bone marrow and umbilical cord that allow undifferentiated cells to grow and heal faulty and abnormal cells. Stem cell therapy has become the latest sensation, and for all the right scientific reasons.

Almost all neurological disorders, from cerebral palsy to Autistic Spectrum Disorder, have had incredibly fascinating and positive results from the use of stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Therapy For Autism

Numerous peer-reviewed journals and countless clinical trials have shown that stem cells (mesenchymal cells or MSCs) reduce neurons’ inflammation – one of the primary causes of Autism – and corrects symptoms of ASD. Moreover, stem cells replace other unhealthy cells with healthy cells in the gut and other body tissues that strengthen the immune system of autistic children and adults.

Results Of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy is showing signs of becoming the ground-breaking treatment.

Children who were given stem cell injections exhibited significantly improved social, cognitive, and verbal communication skills

Stem cell therapy is a quick solution as its results show impact within 12 months

Most surprisingly, the improvements in children, who had Autism, were comparable to a natural childhood development.


Stem cell therapy, while a novel technology, is offering immense health benefits.

Stem Cell Transplant Institute provides innovative therapy that will help improving quality of life.

Let’s join hands to help the autistic redefine themselves!
